Taking into account the institutional development strategies and the permanent increase of the quality of education, the Dimitrie Cantemir VET School is a promoter of partnership activities on the grounds of the directions which are the landmarks of modern European education.
1. Collaboration contract (agreement) with the District Emergency Clinic Mures concerning the medical - pharmaceutical activities (the clinical - practical (applied) stages) according to the national curriculum and the Law No. 95 / 2006 and the Collaboration Methodology between hospitals and medical schools passed by O.M.S. No. 140 / 1515 / on 26th January 2007.
2. Collaboration contract with the District Clinical Hospital Mures concerning the medical - pharmaceutical activities (the clinical - practical (applied) stages) according to the national curriculum and the Law No. 95 / 2006 and the Collaboration Methodology between hospitals and medical schools passed by O.M.S. No. 140 / 1515 / on 26th January 2007.
3. Collaboration contracts and protocols in order to ensure the practical (applied) activity in pharmacies, medicine factories, laboratories and pharmaceutical storehouses (Salvia Pharmacy, Arthemisia Pharmacy, Anastasia Pharmacy, Rubin Pharmacy, Selena Pharmacy, Fildas Trading S.R.L., Dita Storehouse, Bioeel Storehouse, Aesculap Storehouse, Gedeon Richter Medicine factory).
4. Collaboration contracts and protocols in order to ensure the practical (applied) activity with tourist agencies, hotels, guesthouses, and so on (Adonis Tourist Agency, Unita Transilvania Tirgu-Mures, Voiajor S.R.L., H.R.O.M.V. S.R.L. Rastolita and Tirgu-Mures, H.R.S.C. Ideea - Tour S.R.L.).
5. Educational partnership with the District Emergency Service Mures, in order to organize common actions having the following goals (aims): communication (contacts) with patients from different cultural environments, to know and use the first aid devices, to organize civil actions and so on.
6. Educational partnership with Edu Soft Marketing Printing house for the sponsorship of the educational packages given as rewards for our best students.
1. Collaboration partnership with S.C. MIF S.A. for common civic activities, conferences and seminars.
2. Collaboration partnerships with high-schools, colleges and universities in order to carry on common educational, civic activities and to organize conferences on educational and general interests topics.
3. Collaboration partnership with the East - European Health and Reproduction Institute to accomplish the following aims: to organize civic actions on all social religious and ethnic levels, to promote an educated and tolerant behavior, to inform women about the importance of early diagnosis of malign tumors.
4. Collaboration partnership with the General Headquarters of Social Assistance and Children's Protection Mures to organize helping programs and socialization activities as well as medical assistance actions.
5. Partnership with the Criminal Police Brigade Tirgu-Mures to organize common actions for our students training on drugs effects upon the human body, on the prevention and fight against drugs addiction, for developing an active / involving attitude concerning drug traffic, use and abuse.
6. Partnership with Corunca Town - hall in order to find out and assure cooperation and schooling for persons in need.
7. Collaboration partnership with Tirgu-Mures Town - hall to carry out common actions and curricular activities as well as to involve the school in special events organized by the municipality.
The Dimitrie Cantemir VET School Tirgu-Mures is carrying out Educational Partnerships with similar schools in France, Hungary, Italy and Germany. Starting with the school year 2010 - 2011 we will establish exchanges between our students and teachers and the ones in the countries mentioned above.
Also, this year the partnership, currently under negotiation phase with similar units of education in Malaysia will be finalized.
The Dimitrie Cantemir VET School Tirgu-Mures, is organizing yearly three scientific events, two of them focused on our specializations, and the third on community and general interests topics.
Every year in December, the school, is organizing the Scientific Session on Specialized Topics. This event involves students and teachers from each specialization in our school.
In spring, the National Symposium Nursis Med takes place every year, the topics are specialized again. We invite representatives from schools all around the country. Our target for this school year is to invite and to have guests from abroad.
In March we host the Session on Community and General Interests Topics when the presentations and the debates are focused on up to date social, political and economic themes, which enable our students to have a plain, articulate perception of actual national and international events. In order to achieve superior (highly appreciated) results the students are provided with professional presentations and explanations from specialized persons in the fields, who are invited by the school`s management and organizers.