Dimitrie Cantemir VET School
The Dimitrie Cantemir VET School Tirgu-Mures is an educational unit accredited by Ministerial Order No. 6207 of 18.12.2009 published in the Official Gazette of Romania, Part I Nr. 6 / 5.I.2010.
The school was founded in 1992, as an answer to the labor market's growing requests for level 5 specialists according to the European classified list.
The services offered in our school rely on quality, performance, promotion of European values and the equality of chances as basic norms.
Starting from the school's appearance on the town's educational scene and up to now, over three thousand graduates (from several specializations promoted along these years) have been and are successfully integrated in the socio - professional life. Over six hundred graduates are working in different European countries, such as: Italy, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Portugal, Hungary, France and so on.
Facilities offered to our students:
- - Social scholarships are given to financially disadvantaged students. Yearly, the school is using 3-5% of its incomes in order to offer scholarships: this means almost 20 scholarships.
- - Possibility for comfortable and accessible accommodation in our very modern hostel.
- - Participation in exchanges, partnerships, other professional courses, leisure activities, volunteering, summer schools intermediated or stipend by the school.
- - Participation in sports contests, football, volley, chess championships, the winners are given prizes offered by the school.
- - Free participation to the symposiums and the sessions taking place in the school.
- - Permanent access to the Serafim Duicu Library, to the library's database and to our Documentary and Information center.
- - Permanent access to the Counseling, Vocational and Educational Information room.
- - Permanent access to Internet.