For the period 2015 - 2016, the Dimitrie Cantemir VET School Tirgu-Mures offers the following educational possibilities:
Educational offer

• Field: Health and Pedagogic Assistance
• Professional qualification: Medical Nurse
• Level: 5
• Learning form: daily
• Studies duration: 3 years
• Opportunities on the labour market: medical staff in the state or private health network, clinics, laboratories, specialization in obstetrics, gynecology, surgery, paramedics and so on

• Specialization: PHARMACY NURSE
• Field: Health and Pedagogic Assistance
• Professional qualification: Pharmacy Nurse
• Level: 5
• Learning form: daily
• Studies duration: 3 years
• Opportunities on the labour market: the pharmacy assistant can be: owner of a pharmaceutical spot, coordinator of an activity concerning the production and selling of medicine products in pharmacies, operator or manager of a pharmaceutical products storehouse

Registrations will take place during this period
06.07.2015 - 31.07.2015
01.09.2015 - 11.09.2015
Documents necessary for enrollment (registration)
High school graduated diploma or high school graduated certificate, birth certificate (original), marriage license (original), medical certificate showing the person's medical status (available for 5 days).
The enrollment fee is 100 LEI.
The schooling fee is 1.650 LEI / year, payable in six installments - the first installment is paid at the registration moment.
Students who are financially disadvantaged can fill in a social scholarship form and register it at the school`s secretary, enclosing proving documents (progeny pension, pension certificate and so on).

Promotion of the graduating students for their employment, according to the partnerships we have with different economic agents, institutions and units, we have the opportunity to promote our students through discussions, meetings, interviews (the participants are the students or job applicants, the school's management, the representatives of the future employers). The school is sending each year by electronic or classical means, a list with the graduating students names, school results, exam results and a short presentation of their profile (theoretical and practical skills).
• Social scholarships are given to financially disadvantaged students. Yearly, the school is using 3-5% of its incomes in order to offer scholarships: this means almost 20 scholarships
• Possibility for comfortable and accessible accommodation in our very modern hostel
• Participation in exchanges, partnerships, other professional courses, leisure activities, volunteering, summer schools intermediated or stipend by the school
• Participation in sports contests, football, volley, chess championships, the winners are given prizes offered by the school
• Free participation to the symposiums and the sessions taking place in the school
• Permanent access to the Serafim Duicu Library, to the library's database and to our Documentary and Information center
• Permanent access to the Counseling, Vocational and Educational Information room
• Permanent access to Internet

Dimitrie Cantemir VET School, from Tirgu-Mures, due to its existing and future majors, is aiming to prepare students for an optimal integration into the socio - professional life.
Throughout the overall activity of our school we assume the duty and responsibility of specializing the youth for the economic and social realities of our time.
The school has complex human and material resources in order to ensure an optimal level of theoretical and applied training. During the entire unit - development period our priority was to provide competent teachers and the necessary material resources in order to achieve the objectives related to theoretical and practical training and also professional training, permanently related to the real needs of internal and external labor market.
The school's teaching staff is represented by very well defined professional teachers, their skills being sustained by good results of our school graduates. The material resources used in the classrooms and laboratories, in line with European and national professional standards, allows optimal degree of theoretical education and practical training, the latter being carried out also in profiled institutions / units / traders (Mures County Clinic Hospital, Mures Emergency Clinical Hospital, S.M.U.R.D., pharmacies, pharmacy and pharmaceutical stores, travel agencies, etc.).

Symbol of Mures culture and spirituality, the Dimitrie Cantemir Campus is a modern structure, able to provide excellent conditions for scientific and educational activities. Throughout the continuous upgrading, the ergonomic design, the location and the permanent specialized endowment development, our Campus provides the best conditions for students training and recreation, which makes it a complete and complex habitat at European and international standards.
The Campus is hosting daily the student communities, the educational and cultural activities. The classrooms, laboratories, offices and library provide adequate and appropriate space for scientific activities, creating a relaxing, ergonomic and clean environment, specially designed to facilitate the educational process.
Dimitrie Cantemir VET School holds accreditation by O.M. 6207 / 18.12.2009.

The Library Serafim Duicu, beyond the mere function of storing documents and providing real support for education and research process, is a center of active circulation of information, both within the institution and the external educational space. Interactive collaboration means with national and international related institutions, our library is a tool of thoroughlly professional and cultural training - for students and teachers.
The School's educational offer is the result of up to date information from labor market coupled with data provided by the Mures County School Inspectorate, the Employment Agency, the County and National Institute of Statistics, and studies of labor market outcomes (ordered by the school and made by specialized companies).
Also, in the context of Romania's accession to the European Union and free movement of labor within the Community, our school uses information from the European labor market. To this end, over 1.150 graduates of our school are working right now in Italy, Belgium, Spain, Germany, Portugal and so on.
As a result, the school’s educational offer is permanently linked to the Regional and Local Plans of Action in Education, to Mures County Council’s Economic and Social Development Strategy, to the Managerial Strategy of the Mures District and the National and Local Health Reform Strategy - in order to meet the requirements needed on the job market in the county and country.
Also, the renewal of the educational offer is made by reference to the Development Project and the School’s Operational Plans.
To extend the applicability of the educational offer in the EU market, we are studying the sources that reveal the situation and dynamics of European labor markets, which are able to assimilate Romanian specialized labor power.
All specializations in our school are using the national curriculum.

Our activity involves 2 shifts, between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m., from Monday to Friday. The practical instructions and training periods are carried on in clinics, hospitals, pharmacies, laboratories, other units, according to the legislation and given norms.
The Dimitrie Cantemir VET School Tirgu-Mures, is located in Tudor Vladimirescu district, Bodoni Sandor Street, No. 3 - 5.
The Students' Hostel is in Tudor Vladimirescu district, Progresului Street, No. 2.